Software as Medical Device

Diagnose-specific exercise as medicine.

Outperforming conventional medicine for 35 diagnoses.

All you need is your smartphone – no extra gadgets are required.

Clinically validated.


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A digital revolution in medicine, built on world-leading research

Myworkout GO app
7% margin of error
MWO Medical is a unique technology built on 30 years of groundbreaking research of exercise as medicine from the Nobel-price-winning Faculty of Medicine at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology. The technology has been developed in-house by a Norwegian company, Myworkout AS, in cooperation with leading R&D partners since 2013.

Myworkout is a team of 28 FTEs with Professors of Medicine, Psychology, physiologists, MDs, technologists, designers, UX researchers, and marketers working to develop digital medicine with medical effects that can exceed conventional medicine.

The Myworkout team has carried out hundreds of international peer-reviewed publications in the field of exercise as medicine and several clinical studies showing the validity, clinical use, and effect of the technology for patients, fine-tuned through UX and iterated based on feedback from more than 130K users of the technology.

The unique and world-first technology distributes the medicine directly to the patient without needing support or gadgets other than the smartphone itself.

The same technology determines cardiorespiratory fitness with scientific precision, which, according to the American Heart Association, is the most crucial parameter for risk detection for disease and early death.

The clinical validation is documented and published in leading international medical journals. The technology and the medical basis for the app are approved by the Norwegian Directorate of Health and E-health as digitally supported exercise as medicine. MWO Medical technology and the medical basis for the first diagnoses are expected to be approved by MDR in the EU and FDA in the USA in 2024.

J. Helgerud, H. Haglo, J. Hoff. (2022) Prediction of VO2max From Submaximal Exercise Using the Smartphone Application Myworkout GO: Validation Study of a Digital Health Method. JMIRCardio 6: e38570.

A global demand

“In the medical world, it is traditional to prescribe the evidence-based treatment known to be the most effective and entailing the fewest side-effects or risks. The evidence suggests that exercise therapy is just as effective as medical treatment in selected cases and, in special situations, more effective or adds to its effect. The accumulated knowledge is now so extensive that it has to be implemented.”
B.K. Pedersen, B. Saltin (2015) Exercise as medicine – evidence for prescribing exercise as therapy in 26 different chronic diseases. Scand J Med Sci Sports (25) 1-72. 

Exercise as Medicine

Inactivity-related diseases and obesity are increasing in most societies. Health authorities search for specific, targeted solutions that include better prognoses for patients to avoid long-term illness and death.

Through 30 years of research, we have determined that particular exercise can reverse most lifestyle diseases and prevent other groups of diseases, including several cancer types.

Digital treatment

Since 2013, we have worked with commercial companies, B2B, and private user markets to give digital support to using specific exercises via app instructions. Our Man vs. Machine study shows that we have developed a tool where the medical doctor can start the treatment, follow up the progression, and reach the same effect as when followed up by health personnel, but in this setting, digitally.

H. Haglo, E. Wang, O.K. Berg, J. Hoff, J. Helgerud (2021) Smartphone-Assisted High-IntensityInterval Training in Inflammatory Rheumatic Disease Patients: Randomized Controlled Trial. JMIR Mhealth Uhealth (9) e28124.

Sustainable medicine

Specific exercise as medicine documents effects that can surpass that of medication.
No storage or logistics are involved.

Specific exercise

We have studied the effect of exercise as a treatment for diseases for more than 30 years and can guarantee results based on specific effective exercises.

Low cost

Society and health authorities are using billions on less effective and more expensive solutions. We offer a much more cost-efficient solution.

Validated digital treatment

Diagnose-based exercise support is validated and published in research papers in peer-reviewed international medical journals.
The patient's development is substantiated using the MWO Medical app.

Diagnose specific

MWO Medical will be more than 35 diagnose-specific apps using the core Myworkout technology, including individual determination of VO2 max, both as absolute value and as biological age (bio age) with diagnose-specific adaptations. The apps are built following the ISO quality management system, making the app CE-approved as a Medical Device for the EU and approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in the USA. The medical apps will be adapted to governmental financing for simple use by Medical Doctors worldwide, such as DiGa in Germany.

The planned roadmap is as follows:

The first diagnosis, hypertension:

Blood pressure is a direct indicator of hypertension, a dangerous and potentially deadly condition with a high risk for cardiovascular diseases, the most common cause of death, responsible for almost 15 million deaths per year worldwide.

Today's treatment of hypertension is advice from the M.D. to be more active and eat more healthy food, followed by medication in the form of one or more pills. Over one billion people worldwide use medication to reduce blood pressure daily, with substantial side effects like decreased libido and nightly toilet visits. One tablet has an average cost of one U.S. dollar. That represents 237 million EUR/USD in a small country like Norway with 5.2 million inhabitants.

Research shows that specific exercise lasting just over 30 minutes, 3 times per week on average, reduces blood pressure more than most medications. A recent meta-analysis shows an average effect of anti-hypertension medication of 6/4 mm Hg over placebo.

Canoy D et al. (2022) Antihypertensive drug effect on long term blood pressure: an individual-level data meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials. BMJ 108: 1281-1289

Treating hypertension with high aerobic intensity exercise addresses the problem's cause, not only the symptom. Most hypertension diagnoses are "essential" hypertension with no detection of direct cause and are typically inactivity-related due to arterial plaque and reduced capillarization.

High-intensity interval exercise increases arterial cross-sectional area, reduces plaque, increases capillarization as part of the cardiorespiratory adaptation, and effectively reduces hypertension.

4x4 minute intervals reduced blood pressure with 12/8 mm Hg and improved cardiorespiratory capacity measured as maximal oxygen consumption by 15% over three months. Adding leg muscle maximal strength training can reduce blood pressure with another 6/3 mm Hg.

J. Helgerud, J. Hoff et al. (2007) Aerobic High-Intensity Intervals Improve VO2 max More Than Moderate Training. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 39:665-71.

H.E. Molmen-Hansen, A. Stoylen et al. (2011) Aerobic interval training reduces blood pressure and improves myocardial function in hypertensive patients. European Journal of Preventive Cardiology (19) 151-160.

Regulatory strategy

Our company has a clear and well-defined plan to ensure that MWO Medical meets the highest levels of safety and effectiveness, which is critical for any medical device.

To navigate the complex regulatory landscape of the medical device industry, we are aligning our regulatory strategy with both the EU and the FDA medical device regulations.

We center our strategy around implementing a Quality Management System focused on developing software medical device products. We are basing it on international standards for medical devices such as:
These standards are recognized consensus standards by the FDA and are harmonized with the E.U. medical device regulation.

Our initial focus for Myworkout Medical is to achieve CE marking by the end of 2024, allowing us to enter the E.U. market. Once we have achieved this, we will pursue FDA approval to enter the U.S. market.

Validation from health authorities

2022: The technology and the medical basis are evaluated and approved by Norwegian health authorities based on ISO standards for usability, medical results, safety, and data security, and they were given an “A” rating, the highest rating possible.

Quality assessed by
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Kent Bruland (42)

Type II Diabetes

Trained away type 2 diabetes with the Myworkout GO app. Read more about his journey to better health.

Margareth Vårvik (48)

Rheumatic disease

100% occupationally disabled since 2001 and near death due to the rheumatic disease Lupus. Now she's back at work thanks to exercise.

Ann Jeannette Kringen (46)

Heart disease

After several years of shortness of breath and chest pain, it was discovered that Ann Jeannette had partially blocked arteries and calcification on the heart wall. She was about to give up on many things that gave her quality of life, but after 8 weeks, she got a fresh start.


To protect the patenting process, the patentable part of the technology cannot be presented publicly until PATENT FILED - expected to be ready in 2024.

The product and technology are developed in-house with 100% ownership and associated rights.

Testimonial from a living legend

In 2016, we met Atari founder and previous mentor of Steve Jobs, Nolan Bushnell (80), and asked if he wanted to help us save the world. Without hesitation, he said 'off course' and started testing our app to rejuvenate his biological age.

Nolan managed to reduce his biological age, so we asked him if he could describe, in his own words, how the experience felt, and the answer stung us like a revelation. It was the birth of our slogan, "More Life". Check out what Nolan Bushnell had to say about Myworkout in the video above.

Financial opportunities

MWO Medical is 100% owned by the founders.

MWO Medical has invested 16M USD in the project:
40% Risk capital from the founders.
30% Early paying customers (beta).
30% Softfunding from Norwegian Research council and Innovation Norway.

Another 3M USD in soft funding from 2024 has been granted from the Norwegian Research Council for further app development.

Questions about MWO Medical or more information? Contact us.

The team

The Myworkout team is 28 full-time employees of Professors of Medicine, Professors of Psychology, technologists, Medical Doctors, designers, marketers, and sales specialists from 8 countries. Myworkout has integrated cooperation with A.I.- technologists and service modeling in SINTEF. The founders are working in the company.

Knut Løkke
Founder & CEO
Jan Hoff
Professor of Medicine
Jan Helgerud
Professor of Medicine
Jens Petter Lysø
Even Andrè Fiskvik
Erling Eiksund

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