FAQ: Contest with Myworkout GO👌

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This is how the contest in Myworkout GO works 👇

1. How do I join the contest?

✅ Click in to the contest and select your seat.

This allows you to download Myworkout Go if you do not already have it installed. If the app already is installed, it will open when clicking the links.

✅ Join the contest

✅ Locate the contest in the apps contest-icon (4th icon on the bottom of the app). Nothing there? Follow the link once more or contact support@myworkout.com.

2. We have had a contest before and I would love to join again!

New contest= select your seat in the new contest. The prosess goes back to the top 👆

3. How is the contest set up?

During this period, all participants get divided into teams or play all against all, in both cases the goal is to collect activity points. The contest consists of weekly matches that your team/you can win.🏅Every Sunday at midnight; we will sum up the team points, and chose a weekly winner. Training sessions that are not saved by Sunday this week will not count. The points are then reset, and a new weekly match starts. The winner of the training period is finally chosen based on the best average ranking in all the weekly contests. 🏆 The period begins: (We agree) and ends: (recommended duration 4 to 12 weeks)

4. How do I collect points to the contest?

  • You get points for each training session that you register in the Myworkout GO app. You can do so in one of the following ways:
  • You can use the Myworkout GO app to complete workouts. Simply start and stop directly in the app.
  • You can re-register workouts in the Myworkout GO app.
  • For the scoreboard to keep up to date during the week, you will only receive points in the competition if the session is registered within 24 hours after the exercise was performed.
  • You can connect to your Garmin, Fitbit, Polar and apple watch account so that these workouts automatically syncs to your Myworkout account.

5. How are the points calculated?

You get 1 point per active minute registered in Myworkout GO. For you to progress well, you must train at a high enough intensity, long enough for the heart to receive effective training. This is called HIT (High intensity training). For these minutes you will get HIT-points 🤩 We know that 4×4 intervals achieve this, so you get 4 points for every minute of the intervals in a 4×4 session registered with Myworkout GO. If you do not want to do only 4×4´s, but still workout with high intensity, you will get 4 points for every HIT minute you register in the activity tracker.

There is an upper limit of points per participant per week. Information about the limit in the contest you are joining is available in the contest rules.

6. What can I register as exercise?

All activity can be registered. If the category for the workout you have completed is missing, you can either use the activity meter function or post-register.

As a rule of thumb, you should only register activities that will make you warm enough that you would typically have worn exercise clothes. But if you have something that prevents you from usually performing, such as a sore knee or back pain, register the training you are able to do.

Good luck and may the smartest player win 😉

Get 4 points pr minute in the contest easier!

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